k6171356It would be totally negligent to not include weight in my resolution challenge. Almost everyone I am around would like to lose at least five pounds. I am no different. Our body metabolism slows, we become more sedentary, and we eat in restaurants more often as we grow older. So the weight creeps onto our bodies.

Weight obsession is the American way. The media indoctrinates us about how we should look while at the same time it tantalizes us with visual images of tasty tidbits and beverages. We are inundated with advice about staying healthy as we are encouraged to sit for hours in front of the television or computer. Mixed messages abound.

Over the years I have allowed a few extra pounds of fat to take residence on my body. They must go. In the past, a minor medical issue made it difficult, not impossible, to lose weight, but that issue has been eliminated. I must take a dose of self-control to solve the problem. To eat right, to control the quantity and frequency of special treats, and to take a daily walk should make accomplishing the goal possible.

Will my self-control last long enough to melt away the unwanted pounds? Will yours?

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.  2 Timothy 1:7

Resolved Day 30:  I will lose my excess pounds of fat.